Support for young people

We provide support for young people you are at risk of becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training) through Inspire and Inspire Outreach.

Inspire can support young people in school to maintain full time education when the young person is experiencing barriers such as attendance, attainment, behaviour and wellbeing.

Inspire will offer tailored support to young people referred to the project, such as:

  • One to One needs led support.
  • BTEC Level 2 Qualifications
  • Access to a wider range of Employability qualifications
  • Post 16 Destinations support considering all options available to the young person
  • Continued support until 19 years if the young person has struggled to find the right education, employment or training placement at post 16.

Inspire Outreach can support young people who currently have less than 50% attendance with no current diagnosed medical needs. The Inspire Outreach Worker will work 1:1 with young people referred by school or Education Welfare Service, with the aim of supporting the young person identify and tackle the barriers they face in returning to full time education at pre-16.

If the young person successfully reintegrates into school, Inspire (in-school) support will take over and maintain support until no longer required by the young person.

Can support young people 16-19 who are at risk of becoming, or who are currently not in Education, Employment or Training. Supporting young people to identify barriers to Education, Employment or Training, develop an action plan and provide support to take steps forward.

Things we can support with:

  • 1:1 Mentoring
  • Confidence Building
  • Support Networking
  • Tailored Next Steps
  • Identifying Education, Employment and Training Opportunities